A:Millions of amateur investors like you, have to rely on a dizzying array of financial newspapers,magazines and commentators to get investment information.
B:Yes.It's sometimes scary if you think of the tremendous amount of media we face every day.
A:It's like information overload , not to mention the reliability of these papers and magazines.
B:Which financial magazines and newspapers do you think do the best job of checking facts?
A:Well, for example, The Wall Street Journal is very,very good. Even though it's used on occasion ( as all news organizations are) by CEOs or bankers who leak their mergers in advance in order to get a positive spin.
B:I like to read Fortune.
A:Cood. Fortune is usually ahead of the curve.And Business Week is very solid ,too.
B:Where does a broadcast company get most of their information? I hope it's not just from press releases.
A:A good broadcast company usually does far more than press releases.Their people go out and do real reporting,talking to people at the stock exchange ,fund managers,analysts,etc.
B:But sometimes when a flimsy report, or even a rumor gets on television ,there's going to be a terrible 'echo chamber' effect.
A:You are right about that.