M:You like movies?
J:Yeah, I think it's the best way to relax.
M:What type do you like the best?
J:Really it depends on my mood. When I am sad or depressed, I like comedies. If I'm feeling good, I'll watch almost anything.
M:I see. I generally like movies to help calm me down. I think a sign of a good movie is the ability to bring you into the story as if you were part of it.
J:Yeah, unfortunately, nowadays directors are oflen more interested in making money than making a good film.
M:True. The movie industry is becoming more and more commercial. You see a lot of expensive movies with little artistic value. I generally think those made in the fourties are of higher quality on the average than movies today. You can name a lot of classics from that decade.
J:Yeah, many of my all-time-favorites were made in the forties. They've already stood the test of time and will stay with us for a long time.
M:I'm totally with you on that.